Title Crystal-field and spin?��orbit interactions in the valence band of the ordered vacancy compound CuIn 4 Se 7
Author: B., Pradeep & Philip, Rachel Reena
Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2002
http://stacks.iop.org/0268-1242/17/i /a04
More details: The optical absorption spectra of the ordered vacancy compound CuIn 4 Se 7 thin film have been$\backslash$nanalysed with special consideration to the threefold optical structure at the fundamental gap. The$\backslash$nthin films for this study have been prepared by vacuum co-evaporation and the structural and$\backslash$ncompositional characterization done using x-ray diffraction in conjunction with energy dispersive$\backslash$nx-ray analysis. The quasi-cubic model adapted for crystals with tetragonal distortion has been used$\backslash$nto determine the crystal field splitting and spin?��orbit splitting parameters. The effects of p?��d$\backslash$nhybridization and structural changes on the parameters are explained. The percentage of$\backslash$nhybridization of the orbitals is determined using the linear hybridization model.
Author: B., Pradeep & Philip, Rachel Reena
Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2002
http://stacks.iop.org/0268-1242/17/i /a04
More details: The optical absorption spectra of the ordered vacancy compound CuIn 4 Se 7 thin film have been$\backslash$nanalysed with special consideration to the threefold optical structure at the fundamental gap. The$\backslash$nthin films for this study have been prepared by vacuum co-evaporation and the structural and$\backslash$ncompositional characterization done using x-ray diffraction in conjunction with energy dispersive$\backslash$nx-ray analysis. The quasi-cubic model adapted for crystals with tetragonal distortion has been used$\backslash$nto determine the crystal field splitting and spin?��orbit splitting parameters. The effects of p?��d$\backslash$nhybridization and structural changes on the parameters are explained. The percentage of$\backslash$nhybridization of the orbitals is determined using the linear hybridization model.
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