Title The isomolecular exchange reaction Ga2S(g) + In2S(g) InGaS(g)
Author: Mukdeeprom, Pannee & Edwards, Jimmie G
Thermochimica Acta, 1987
More details: Equilibria involving the molecules Ga2S(g), In2S(g), and InGaS(g), by the reaction Ga2S(g) + In2S(g) 2InGaS(g) were investigated between 1060?��1350 K by the Knudsen-effusion, mass-spectrometric method. The reaction enthalpy at 298 K was calculated to be 0??1 kJ mol?��1. The enthalpy of formation of InGaS at 298 K and the enthalpy of atomization of InGaS at 298 K were calculated to be 80??18 kJ mol?��1 and 710??18 kJ mol?��1, respectively. The equilibrium constant and the enthalpy of reaction indicated that the three gaseous molecules have a bent triatomic structure in which S is a center atom and no bond between metals.
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